TAGUS region
ROUTES for the Region
 Route V .- Silver Route Municipal Area: Casar de Cáceres, Cáceres y Garrovillas 

We receive different feelings from the route when we walk on a Royal Cañada, the Soriana Occidental, the only drovers´ roads in Casar de Cáceres, and the Silver Route, Roman roadway that communicated Emerita Augusta with Asturica. Apart from these two historical references, the itinerary includes several single points like the New Marsh, interesting wetland to observe aquatic birds, the granitic stones spread among wide grassland, the Perala Pier, and the proximity of the itinerary to the Riberos del Almonte, declared Special Protection Area for Birds for constituting a valuable waterway corridor that receives an important quota of threatened animals, such as the black stork or the alimoche. The landscape is arid, not very wooded. We can see the waves of the area, the sandy soils filled with bushes reign of leguminous as brooms with many spring flowers. As we come closer to the basin of the Almonte we can see the oaks and after that, far away we can see the water of Alcántara´s Reservoir, also declared Special Protection Area for Birds. From Casar we will go first up to the tail of the New Marsh, bordering on its shore up to coming to the dam; after that we will continue through the Cañada to reach the Perala houses, and we will continue up to the Berrueto house by the way with the same name.
This is the most interesting zone of the route. There, we will be able to see the roadway and a group of miliarios. From the Berrueto House we will return to Casar through the Barcas Way, reaching the hermitage of Santiago, placed at the end of the Long street.