TAGUS region
ROUTES for the Region
 Route II .- The Azagala Pathway Municipal Area: Aliseda 

If we walk through the hard and steep streets at Aliseda and take the south-east direction, the route will take us to the Aljibe Mountain (watch that the top of the mountain will is never crowned by us). At the beginning we will enjoy the landscape full of gardens and olive trees that surround the urban core in the water tank place, and then we will pass close to the entry of the old Mina de la Pastora. The itinerary from Malpartida to Aliseda and Azagala will be followed all the time.
The decrease of the highland ramifications will take us to the cork oaks, main tree in this walk. We can see a nourished flora with bushes and a very important fauna with the imperial eagle, the black stork or the black vulture.
From the Pathway we arrive to Alburquerque´s road, walking along its right side along a wonderful path where to start the last ascent, through a way made with cement, to the hermitage of the Virgen del Campo. From here we will be able to enjoy an impressive landscape and be delighted in a pleasant route through Saint Pedro Mountain. After a little rest we can only return on our own steps, or by car if we have agreed a meeting with someone picking us up on the road.

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Photographic gallery of the Route

Salida Plaza Mayor

Calle Luis Carrasco

Calle Virgen

Depósito agua

Casa de la Mina

Mina de la Pastora

Trifurcación seguir de frente

Desvío a la izquierda

Cruce de camino seguir de frente



Cancela canadiense

Continuación por camino paralelo a carretera


Camino asfaltado hacia la ermita

Ermita de Ntra Sra del Campo

Sierra de San Pedro


Gallery of Panoramic of the Route

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   | Plaza Mayor,7 | 10550 - Aliseda (Cáceres) | Web:
   | Princesa, 80 6°I | 28008 - Madrid | Telféfono: 91 360 46 13 - 91 360 46 12